CEO and Co-Founder, DataMIMO LLC
PhD, University of California, Irvine
Industrial/Research Interest
Deep learning, natural language processing, financial modeling, short term rental market analysis

Quantitative Trader, Alphadyne Asset Management
PhD, Princeton University
Industrial/Research Interest
Quantitative research in financial market

Partner, Wiseco Tech
PhD, Northwestern University
Industrial/Research Interest
Financial consulting, risk management, quantitative finance

Founder & Chairperson, Radica Systems Limited
BSc, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Industrial/Research Interest
Blockchain data analysis, marketing technologies, personalization, prediction models

Senior Data Scientist and Analyst Developer, Shell UK
PhD, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Industrial/Research Interest
Geoscience, photonics, soft matters, network analysis

CEO/Director, Belos Capital (Asia) Limited
PhD, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics
Industrial/Research Interest
Risk and investment management, FinTech algorithm and game theory, venture capital

Tech lead, Standard Chartered Bank
MF, University of Toronto
Industrial/Research Interest
FinTech, ML, AIGC

AVP, Nomura Asset Management Taiwan Ltd.
Mphil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Industrial/Research Interest
Quantitative analysis, investment strategies, allocation model, equity alpha model